I weighed these cameras with an electronic precision scales originally, the cameras weight is the same using this kitchen scales except for the Rolleiflex 3.5F, it looks some grams heavier because it was loaded with film, the original measurement without film was 1140 g and now due to the film is about 1170g; the 2.8C weight for both measurement without film was 1200g and the Rolleicord IV without film for both measurement is 850g. The kitchen scales used below is pretty exact according the electronic scales, with divisions each 20g and more significant is the fact the cameras were weighed using the same scales. Please click on thumbnails to see details.
The first one below is the 2.8C Xenotar 2.8/80, afterwards the 3.5F Planar 3.5/75 and the third is the Rolleicord IV Xenar 3.5/75.
Rolleiflex 2.8C Xenotar 2.8/80
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar 3.5/75

Rolleicord IV Xenar 3.5/75