This is another example about no roller reflection, taken with a Rolleiflex 2.8C Xenotar 2.8/80, Agfa Scala like negative developed in Rodinal 1+25, please read comments below about this issue.(click on thumbnail for full size image, copyright cmfreaza)

These two B&W photos taken in sequence as you can see according the numbers are another example about no roller reflection, this time with the 3.5F, Planar 2.8/80, Kodak T max 400, Rodinal 1+25. The frame number 10 is again a strong backlight, a direct shot to the sun, and the frame number 11 don't show reflections like for the color example (see note and photos below), please click on the thumbnail for a full size image.-

Some old Rolleiflex and Rolleicord TLR users have commented that a roller reflection appears at the bottom of the next frame if the the previous frame have received a strong light exposure on the upper part, f.e. a direct shot on the sun; I have seen some examples and it's a real problem when it happens, however I never knew about it til last year and I never had this problem with my Rolleiflexes and Rolleicord cameras, you can see below an example about no roller reflection with two slides taken in sequence with my Rolleiflex 2.8C Xenotar 2.8/80 and Fuji Provia 100F film in the same conditions described above, the first frame with the strong backlight is a direct shot to the sun taken during our subtropical summer and it's difficult to imagine a worse situation for a roller reflection, but the 2.8C separated both frames perfectly as you can see; BTW the images are inverted in the camera (click on the thumbnail for full size image, ©cmfreaza).-